
WAMP Messages, arranged as either textual or binary formats (e.g. JSON, MsgPack, etc.), are moved over the network by an underlying transport protocol such as WebSocket or (raw) TCP.

Messages are made of control headers (e.g. type code, request identifier, additional details, etc.) and an optional payload whose content represents data specific to your application. Data conveyed by messages can be either a list of indexed arguments called just args, or a dictionary of named arguments called kwargs.

frame2                  frame1                             
.-------------.        .-------------,---------.    
| payload ... |  -->   | ... payload | headers |  -->  
'-------------'        '-------------`---------'     

Payloads are always at the end of messages so that routers don't have to parse them. In fact, routers are not required to inspect payload contents to do their job, which is all about routing messages.


Incoming data

Akka Wamp provides you with efficient streaming parsers that defer deserialization of incoming data to the very last moment.

The following table lists incoming Messages behaving as DataConveyors with the correspondent consumers/handlers and client roles you shall provide to extract the data.

DataConveyor Consumer/Handler Client
Event (Event) => Unit Subscriber
Invocation (Invocation) => Any Callee
Result (Result) => Unit Caller
Error n.a. all


The easiest way to access data conveyed by incoming messages is as follows:

Scala : @@snip ScalaClient{ #incoming-arguments }

Java : @@snip FuturesJavaClient{ #incoming-arguments }

Just access the following members:

  • args: List[Any]
    a list of indexed arguments

  • kwargs: Map[String, Any]
    a dictionary of named arguments

  • kwargs[T]: T
    a user defined type

Data types

Akka Wamp will take care of the deserialization process either with Jackson JSON Parser for textual format or MsgPack Parser for binary format. The default parsers will apply the following data type bindings:

Value JSON / MsgPack Scala / Java
"string" string java.lang.String
456 number java.lang.Integer
2147483648 number java.lang.Long
12.56 number java.lang.Double
[] array scala.collection.immutable.List[Any]
{} object scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, Any]
java.util.`Map<String, Object>ยง`
true boolean java.lang.Boolean
false boolean java.lang.Boolean
null null null


If you want full control of the deserialization process then you'll have to access to the unparsed data as follows:

Scala : @@snip ScalaClient{ #incoming-payload }

Java : @@snip FuturesJavaClient{ #incoming-payload }

Unparsed data is represented as Akka Stream sources you're put in charge to consume with whatever parser you might prefer to use for whatever format you know incoming data could have been arranged with (e.g. UBJSON, YAML, XML, ProtoBuf, etc.)

@@@ note { title='Opaque payload' } Akka Wamp adheres to the "opaque payload" principle according to which the router is expected NOT to parse and NOT to alter payload contents. That's intended to allow payloads to be formatted using formats different than the enclosing messages' formats. @@@





Scala : @@snip ScalaClient{ #outgoing-arguments }

Java : @@snip FuturesJavaClient{ #outgoing-arguments }
