
Akka Wamp provides you with a basic Router that can be either launched as standalone server process or embedded into your application. It implements:

  • WAMP Basic Profile,
  • Both broker and dealer roles,
  • JSON serialization,
  • WebSocket transport

@@@warning Though perfectly functional, Akka Wamp Router is intended for development purposes only. You're advised to adopt production ready WAMP routers such as Crossbar.IO @@@



Download the latest version, extract, configure and run it as standalone application:

tgz : @@snip


@@snipapplication.conf{ #router }


An application can bind one or more listeners. Each listener corresponds to a named transport in the configuration file and it will bind to the configured endpoint. Usually, endpoints are configured for different schemes such as ws for WebSocket or wss for WebSocket with TLS - Transport Layer Security. Additional transport configuration falls back to the default one for missing keys (e.g. no need to repeat the format key)


Create and bind an embedded router passing an actor reference factory (such as a brand new actor system or any of your actor context)

scala : @@snip EmbeddedRouter.scala


A Binder actor spawns a Router actor to be bound to the Akka IO Wamp Manager. The manager spawns one ConnectionListener actor which listens for incoming connection requests. The listener spawns a new ConnectionHandler actor upon each connection establishment to serve a specific client.
